How To Get Organized At Home When Taking Care of the Elderly

how to get organized at home?

Here are some ideas on how to organize your home to keep it safe for the environment and your family comfortable life if you take care of the elderly with dementia. You probably already know that small changes in everyday life can have unforeseen consequences , so try to arrange things so that older people can function as independently as possible and regularly through everyday tasks. This will make life easier for you and your loved one too (how to get organized at home).

how to get organized at home?

There are many causes of dementia , but the end result is usually the same . In addition to the inability to recall events , dates and names , cognitive impairment does not leave the person to think rationally and logically. In this state of mind, every time a decision must be made anxiety and frustration scale how to get organized at home.

Elderly people with dementia may not be able to think of alternatives or decide rationally the pros and cons of possible courses of action how to get organized at home. Frustration leads to instability , in fact, only make things worse and may even lead to physical aggression .

In an organized home , the elderly with cognitive impairment works best if there is little or no decisions . Daily life should proceed at a comfortable pace how to get organized at home, with predictable family activities . Having a routine is one of the best ways to create an organized home in the care of older people with dementia how to get organized at home. If you can reduce the amount of variation in daily life , you get more predictable and desirable results for all who live there.

When dementia in the elderly complicates your life here's how to get organized at home to maintain stability and reduce anxiety.

Set a schedule and stick to it

A schedule for meals , hygiene , exercise , dressing and most of the other activities of daily life will reduce anxiety and agitation. The old man will work better if there are daily activities with activity expected after similar mechanism how to get organized at home.

Having a person with dementia to change your routine too much to ask to try to keep things as stable and predictable as possible . If that means that the person has by all means keep at home and invite visitors to come to us.

Keep this schedule the same , even on special days such as calendar and birthday weekends .

Reduce variations in the environment

Keep everything in one place all the time and keep items visible , if possible. Keep drawers and cabinets as organized as possible with everything in one place all the time. It can be useful if drawers and other containers are labeled . Just make sure that the labels are not big enough for the eyes.

Reduce the number of decisions (how to get organized at home)

Family members often complain that people with dementia do not like to change his clothes and wear the same thing day after day. It is simply a way of trying to cope with life without having to participate in decision -making how to get organized at home. Something as simple as deciding what to wear can be difficult too . So if your loved one has some favorite clothes , then by all means through various in this article "how to get organized at home". With a single point to be used that day , one in the wash and one in the drawer , the elderly person with dementia can dress each morning in the same clothes but clean . It is unlikely that an elderly person with dementia recognize each element as a duplicate and feel comfortable in your favorite clothes .

The particular challenges for how to get organized at home!

Walking can be manipulated using various types of alarm systems to alert you to leave the house . Every morning, a track items that are used and if there is a record of people wandering in your community to make sure they are in it . If your loved one is out, it should not be difficult to identify and bring them safely home.

The bathroom can be difficult if the control of the bowels and bladder is weak or even lost altogether. Urinary incontinence can be treated with a very good incontinence products that are available today. These products , the same look and feel like real underwear . If you record the number of layers and towels are needed in a week or a month , you can get them delivered to your home once a month how to get organized at home. This reduces business travel and reduces the amount of things you have to do. If bowel incontinence and bladder are a matter of making sure to get a consultation with a nurse as there may be special measures should be taken to keep the skin in good condition .

Keep a regular schedule is important for removal too . A trip to the bathroom every 2-3 hours is a good way to prevent accidents.

And perhaps the most important tip for organizing at home when you take care of older people with dementia is to remember that you can not expect older people to adapt and accommodate and deal with change . Dementia from being possible.

Actually , it's your job to make adjustments and find solutions. Sometimes it takes a lot of trial and error to find something that works . Hopefully some of these suggestions will give you a starting point.

These tips on how to organize home to care for the elderly with dementia come from first hand experience . Beverly Hansen O'Malley is a nurse who was on duty at their parents more than 10 years . You are invited to visit where Bev explores the influence of the environment on human health and well organized advice and supply of each host organization room in the house .