Can not find the cute outfit you want to wear ? Their clothing lines suspended ? Do you lack storage space? These tips will help you put your clothes more efficiently, keep them in the best way and save storage space so you can buy more closet clothing store!
Before you begin
Be sure to empty the closet of all the clothes that are broken , stained and more portable. Discard shoes that hurt your feet and wear. Discard broken straps with buckles and broken or mismatched jewelry .
Give repairable items have not worn in the last year , or that are too large or too small . Giving to others gives you a good feeling and freeing storage space for closet clothing store that fits and makes you look and feel good.
Work on separation anxiety . Most women love to buy new clothes , but feel guilty about getting rid of the closet clothing store. Why? Several factors are involved. Sometimes it is because we feel as if we (or give) anything of value. We spend our hard earned money on these clothes. Sometimes we feel guilty because we know that we won that extra 10 or 20 pounds and get rid of an item that does not fit is a reminder of this fact. What to do? Remember to let go of things that no longer serves your current needs may benefit someone else closet clothing store. Release fantasy. Be realistic about whether to lose weight and fit into that suit. If you are not willing to do the work , give closet clothing store!
Here are 8 great tips for clothes :
1. Seasonal clothing , as space allows , stored in a separate area of your closet or storage use the space in your room. Be careful to store them in the attic or basement where moisture or excessive heat can destroy clothing. Save seasonal clothes in ziplock bags with cedar chips to prevent insects.2. Use good quality coat hangers . Do not use cleaning media . Recycle them back to dry on your next trip. Ties cardboard hangers may become sticky and leave a line in the pants . Suspension Son leaves marks on the shoulders of their shirts , blouses and jackets. Tubular plastic hangers Buy good quality ( with or without pads ) closet clothing store. To save space, use two rods shorter articles .
3. Dry clean plastic bags These bags are made of cheap plastic that may contain acid that can ruin your clothes. It is best not to store items in these bags . The best use . . . throwing them away .
4. Storing small or small loose items or bulk items should be stored in containers or baskets. If you can afford it closet clothing store, rattan or wicker baskets lined with soft fabric better. If you have to be frugal , most discount stores offer cheap plastic containers and storage tanks .
5. Storage Socks , underwear , bathing suits , etc. buy a set of drawer dividers . They create small sections containing items like socks and underwear. Roll socks to avoid races . Articles Fold carefully and keep things together (dark colors with dark colors , etc. . )
6. Storage tapes , ties , scarves , bags, etc. These products can be easily hung on hangers or supports . Many stores offer support for these special items that can be installed quickly and easily. If necessary , hanging belts, ties and wallets, etc of good quality suspension and put the hook on a hook or nail into his closet clothing store.
7. Storing shoes and boots If space allows , remove shoes and boots original boxes and place them on a shoe rack . If you prefer to keep contained , consider purchasing plastic shoe boxes clear closet clothing store. They have the same shape as the cardboard variety , but are more durable and can easily see what 's inside. Boots starting received , you can keep in good shape.
8. Shelves and cabinets Most come with a bar which hosts only long clothing closet clothing store.
Depending on the type of clothes you have , it may be wise to restructure your wardrobe and add additional bars reflect short clothes (shirts , blouses , skirts , jackets, etc. . ) Consider adding shelves for folded sweaters and storage boxes closet clothing store.